Too High? 8 Ways To Sober Up

We’ve all been there: you lit the perfect joint, took an expertly timed dab, or munched on an artisanal edible. Then suddenly, those fuzzy feelings turn prickly, your laughter shifts to panting, and you’re thinking, “Dude, am I dead?” No, you’re just realizing, “I’m too high.”

Whether that edible kicked in three hours late, you held the bong rip too long to impress your friends, or you’re a low-tolerance consumer caught off guard by concentrates, it can sneak up on you. Once it does, the experience may become uncomfortable enough to turn off even the most seasoned cannabis lover. Thankfully, cannabis is not lethal, and its effects dissipate within a day. Here’s how to come back from the edge of greening out.

How Long Does it Take to Come Down from a Weed High?

The duration of a cannabis high varies based on consumption method, dosage, and individual factors like tolerance, age, and metabolism. Higher potency products (high THC percentage or milligram amount) typically result in longer-lasting highs, though not necessarily more intense ones. Concentrates are the most potent, followed by flower and edibles.

Generally, the average cannabis high lasts between 30 minutes to 2 hours at its peak, with lingering effects for some time after. New studies indicate a “window of impairment” across consumption methods ranging from three to 10 hours, with most people experiencing around 4 hours. Here are ways to help sober up when you feel too high or uncomfortable.

Symptoms of Being Too High

Signs that you may need to dial down your intake include:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Panic
  • Paranoia
  • Confusion
  • Excessive perspiration

Tips on How to Sober Up from Weed Fast

1. Don’t Panic

The infinite wisdom of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: DON’T PANIC. YOU ARE FINE AND EVERYTHING IS OKAY. Most symptoms of “greening out” will dissipate within minutes to hours. Despite how freaked out you may feel, you won’t expire from excessive consumption.

2. Try Water and Light Snacks

Hydrate with water or juice (avoid caffeine). Eating light snacks like fruits, nuts, or cheese may help you feel more grounded. Some research suggests terpenes in food can mitigate the high.

3. Know Your Limits Before Consuming

Prepare for your cannabis session according to your tolerance level. Consume with trusted friends and avoid pushing past your comfort zone. Take it slow, especially with edibles, and wait at least an hour before increasing your dosage.

4. Chew Black Peppercorns

Combat paranoia and anxiety by sniffing or chewing on a few black peppercorns. Terpenes in black pepper may contribute to its grounding effects.

5. Keep Calm and Rest

Find a calm, quiet place to rest and breathe deeply. Sleep it off if you can. If sleep is elusive, just get comfortable until you feel better.

6. Try Going for a Walk

A change of scenery and fresh air can help. Stay close to familiar surroundings and bring a buddy. Avoid walking if you’re too woozy or light-headed.

7. Take a Shower or Bath

Showers and baths relax the mind and body. A cold shower may increase alertness and help you feel more grounded.

8. Distract Yourself

Engage in familiar activities that bring you joy: watch a funny cartoon, listen to your favorite album, play a video game, talk to friends, or snuggle with a loved one.

Sobering Up from Edibles

Edible highs differ from smoking, vaping, or dabbing highs. Because edibles are metabolized via different systems, their effects last longer. Stay calm, hydrate, and distract yourself. Eating a large meal or taking CBD edibles may help lessen the effects. A long nap can also do the trick.

Sobering Up from Delta-8

Delta-8 THC, derived from hemp, offers a milder high than delta-9 THC, making it less intense and harder to overdo. Contributor Dante Jordan found delta-8 edibles gave him a good time without the intensity of delta-9.

Remember, it’s all about finding what works best for you and your body. Stay safe and enjoy your cannabis experience responsibly!

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