Meet The Cannabinoids
Will not get you high, but users report feeling relaxed and less anxious. CBD may help with pain and insomnia.
May act as a sedative, allowing you to fall and stay asleep. CBN has also shown strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and neuroprotectant qualities.
Has been used to combat pain or stress, increase focus, increase appetite, support eye health and help with digestive health.
A less potent version of traditional cannabis. D8 is a great body high followed by euphoria, happiness, sedation and symptom relief.
Traditional cannabis, a strong body and head high. D9 is not legal in NC. We are able to sell edibles containing less than .3% of Delta-9 by weight!
A natural cannabinoid. When you light this bud on fire, its chemical structure changes into Delta-9 or traditional cannabis.
A natural cannabinoid. THC-V acts as an appetite suppressant/energizer! May provide an Adderall-like experience with a relaxed mental state.
Known to bind 33x stronger to CB1 (in the brain) than traditional D9!
Key terms
The plant family cannabaceae includes what are commonly known as cannabis and hemp. Hemp has been traditionally grown for textiles, construction materials, and CBD-rich oil with low traces of THC. Cannabis is the term used to describe the flowers that contain higher amounts of THC
A Class of organic compounds found throughout nature. Terpenes serves a variety of roles including a plants smell and flavor, and serving as a natural pest repellant. While the terms Terpene and terpinoid are used interchangeably terpinoids differ by being oxygenated or rearranged.
These chemical compounds interact with the Endocannabinoid system as ligands, binding directly or indirectly to Endocannabinoid receptors acting like chemical messengers to turn on or off physiologic signaling in the body. Cannabinoids can be made in the lab, in the body, or in the plant. CBD is an example of a plant based cannabinoid.
This term applies to anything that does not affect the mind or mental processes. CBD is non-intoxicating so its often referred to as non-psychoactive.
Endocannabinoid System
A complex system in the human body discovered in the 1990’s, the Endocannabinoid system is understood to modulate all physiological processes throughout the brain and body, including the management of appetite, pain, sleep, and mood. The purpose of this system is to balance out the body, create homeostasis, the optimal state of maintaining health and natural healing.
Entourage Effect
This concept suggests that CBD’s effectiveness is enhanced by the delivery of key components for example CBD or THC in conjunction with Terpenes and other compounds. The further you get from the full plant being extracted the less likely the full effect can be reached.
Can produce more cerebral, buzzy effects.
Can produce more cerebral, buzzy effects.
Can produce more relaxing physical effects and can have a sedative quality